John Paul Risso
Chief Executive Officer
E: jp.risso@imperialgroup.gi
T: +350 200 71785

Jordan Ramagge
Chief Operating Officer
E: j.ramagge@imperialgroup.gi
T: +350 200 71785

Jonathan Borg
Chief Financial Officer
E: j.borg@imperialgroup.gi
T: +350 200 71785

Julian Cabedo
Marketing and Business Development Manager
E: j.cabedo@imperialgroup.gi
T: +350 200 71785

Natalie Martinez
Accounts Assistant
E: n.martinez@imperialgroup.gi
T: +350 200 71785
Contact us
Should you want to get in touch with us about any of the companies within the Imperial Group family please fill in the form here with your message and we will get back to you with a reply as soon as possible.